Alyssa Foreman
Major not declared
Sam Houston High School
Class of 2017
Student Media
My Story
(A)crostic poems allow you to
(L)earn more about me. For example,
(Y)ou might not have known about my desire to
(S)erve the Lord, explore the world, organize messes, or
(S)peak up for those who can't speak themselves,
(A)ll while listening to Broadway show tunes and drinking iced lattes.
Community Service
"Truly I say to you, to the extent that you did it to one of these brothers of Mine, even the least of them, you did it to Me."
As the leader of multiple service organizations, I plan and lead projects for my community. I have a huge heart for suicide awareness, elderly, youth, and veterans.
Proud to be part of a winning team: All District 6 years in a row, in fact. I love playing varsity tennis for SHHS where I am seeded #3
Each and every day I fall deeper in love with God and his Church. Through involvement in Jr. Catholic Daughters, the pro-life movement, and Lifeteen, I give my all for the One who gave His all.
As the Vice-Chairman of SHHS Teenage Republicans (TARS), I participate in every stage of the political process. Politics allow me to stand up for my conservative values and influence the political climate of today's youth.
"The world is a book, and those who don't travel read only a page."
Travel is an essential part of who I am; my seeing the world, I not not only experience different cultures, but allow them to shape me.