My Story
I am 18 years old and in high school. When I graduate high school I plan on going straight to college and getting a masters degree in Digital Media
Persuasive Speech
The persuasive speech covers standards 1 (it covers citations, policies, and credible sources), and 14 ( draft and edit 2 speeches one to persuade and the other to inform) and it also covers standard 15 (critique purposes of speeches)
The Communication Process
The Communication Process Project covers standard 3, which is to differentiate between verbal and nonverbal communications and standard 2 (which is the basics of the communication process).
Designing Idea Circle Times
This covers standards 4 (implement good communication techniques), 6 (good digital citizenship) and 17 (Problem solving and Organizing)
Career (occupation) Research
Searching for information on possible job opportunities. Covers Standards 21 (conducting job research).
Balance in a Design (Balance Webinar)
Created a power point to explain balance in a design. Covers standard 18 (plan, organize, and create a webinar).
Facial Expressions Poster (Nonverbal info graphic)
I created an info graphic to show how facial expressions are represented. Covers standards 3 (how gestures or expressions can differ between cultures) 7 (share sensitive information) 11 (layouts and incorporate images) and 12 (having a document ready to print).
Website Critique
We wrote a professional critique on a website made for an application, and we attempted to show how the website could be improved upon. This covers standards 8 (writing a formal critique), 10 (evaluate a business website) and 13 (manipulate, enhance and produce digital images (media))