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Crystal Brooke Franklin

Major not declared
San Antonio Christian High School
Class of 2016

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What's on your mind?

My Story

Hi, I'm Brooke! I'm the youngest of 4. On the daily you can usually finding me being particularly too sassy for some, but normally either studying, taking photos, or really going on an adventure. Traveling and photography is a passion of mine and I would love to pursue it more as I get older.

Ernst & Young NextGen Club

At NextGen academy that took place in Switzerland, we were put in groups to create a product that would help promote Leica Camera AG. My group, iPensall, created Leicafy Editor and won. Leica officially announced their new product:

Haiti- myLIFEspeaks & the AfterSunday Project

"People from every nation and tongue, from generation to generation we, worship You." In summer of 2015 I had the opportunity to travel to Neply, Haiti on a mission trip with myLIFEspeaks. Unbeknownst to me this trip would change my life. I can't wait to return to Neply hopefully in January 2016.


I began playing the piano at age 3. I took lessons until age 15, but continued my passion from there solo. I have performed around various places in San Antonio such as the Argyle Private Club and for the Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year Gala.


I developed a passion in photography after various trips my family has taken over the years. I am very fortunate my father enjoys photography as well because this gives us a great opportunity for bonding. I am the Chief Photography Editor for our school's national award-winning magazine, Revelation.

Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA)

FCA was reestablished at my school this year (2015). I am overjoyed at the fact I been given a leadership opportunity. Being apart of FCA has given me the chance to reach out to the underclassman to be a leader for them. My job is to help get the word out about meetings and also lead groups.

Varsity Soccer

As an outlet I love playing soccer with friends. For awhile I was on a team that was pretty successful, however I now just play for recreation. When I was on a team I played as goalkeeper and left back defender.

Team Twelfth Element

Sandra Bludau, a San Antonio-based photographer created a program called Team Twelfth in order to promote her business. As a representative with 5 other girls we travelled to Enchanted Rock and had a photoshoot. From there we help recruit girls interested in having their portraits taken by Sandra.