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Kate Moran

Major not declared
Elmira College
Class of 2022

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My Story

Elmira College has always been a trailblazer. We were founded in 1855 to ensure that young women had the same educational opportunities as men of the era. Today we lead the way in experiential learning; every EC student will complete internships that help grow resumes and promote career exploration!

The 3 Fs: Family, Friends, and Food

Family and friends go without saying; they're the most important things in my life. Food though, is just a reflection of the other two. You can taste the love that goes into cooking good food!


I've been traveling domestically since I was tiny, but my first trip abroad was in high school. I went to London over spring break and spent most of the week at the theatre - and I loved it! That trip gave me a bad case of wanderlust!


I joined my first swim team at 4 years old and have loved the sport ever since. I swam through college, but I can't say I miss the two-a-days and trips to the athletic trainers' office - these days, I like to hop in and leisurely swim a few thousand yards... and then call it a day!