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Kyle Wallace

Major not declared
Oklahoma City University
Class of 2022

My Story

Oklahoma City University has continued to lead students to their creative potential for more than a century. We are a diverse community of achievers, thinkers, independent spirits, and artists. Students from across the globe excel in science, religion, business, nursing, and the performing arts.

About Me

I'm from Moore, a town located on the south side of the Oklahoma City metro area. I was apart of the first class of students to attend Southmoore High School. Much like in college, I was involved in all the things including: Youth in Government, Theater and Science Seminar.

Oklahoma City

Oklahoma City is an interesting, diverse city with something for everyone. You can walk around Midtown with your friends and grab a burger at McNellie's, take in the beauty of the Oklahoma City National Memorial, or experience the energy and pride of our people at a Thunder game!


I love spending time outdoors exploring either through hiking, playing Pokémon Go or searching for abandoned towns and buildings in Oklahoma.