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MacKenzie Baker

Major not declared
University of Southern California
Class of 2016

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My Story

From first glance, it may look like I am Asian... But, spiritually, I am 100% Italian! I was adopted from China when I was a little baby into a crazy patchwork family. I believe it is BECAUSE of this, I value the way things are connected rather than separate.

The Artist

Surprisingly enough, when I was a little kid, I wasn't a big fan of art. But, as time went on, my passion grew exponentially. It started with drawing dragons, then more complicated sketches, then experimenting with paints, and somehow now I'm in AP 2D Art! Funny how the world works, huh?


Three words. Best. Nerd-camp. Ever. Hosted by the beautiful UCSD, I was able to study bioengineering under some of the best professors in the country. My Final Project ended up winning the Gordon Engineering Leadership Award, but the true win was from making lifelong friends.

Brushes and Beakers

The goal of my charity is to inspire the community through art and science, teaching people that art and science are both equally important and essential. Art can be taught through science and science can be taught through art. We volunteer at a local elementary school currently!

People to People: Student Ambassador

My travels through beautiful, historical, cultural, and fashionable Europe. We hit Italy, France, and Spain on the craziest road trip imaginable. My favorite was Italy because 1) the food, 2) I can speak Italian, and 3) THE FOOD!

Cross Country

For someone who hates running, I sure do love cross country! XC changed my life for the better because I learned how truly blessed I was to have such a supportive team. "Embrace The Suffering" was our motto, and we lived it to the fullest.