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Nicole Wynn

Major not declared
Dr John D Horn High School
Class of 2017

Girl Scouts

I've been in girl scouts longer than I have been in school. I truly believe it has instilled in me the the love I have for community service. Through this organization I have completed many community projects such as my silver award. The relationships I build in girl scouts are the best part.

G.Y.M(Greenville Avenue Youth Ministry)

This ministry is made up of the youth at Greenville Avenue church of Christ where I attend worship. I love this ministry and how it encourages youth to use there talents for God's glory.

North Texas Leadership Training for Christ

This organization is called NTLTC and it is such an important part of my life because it is a convention geared toward utilizing the talents we have for Christ. I have learned how to communicate in sign language by participating in this program and this is a skill I will keep practicing forever.

My trip to Disney World

When the band program at my school decided to go to Disney world last year, I needed a way to come up with the money to go. So by baking and selling my own cookies I was able to raise about halve of the cost of going on the trip. This made me realize the potential I had in the business world.

Bible Class

I have been attending Bible classes throughout my life which have greatly impacted my spiritual life by giving me a community of Christians devoted to keeping each other devoted to the word f God. I have established relationships with my teachers and fellow students and most importantly with God.